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Monday, September 13, 2010

Jihad - just war not holy war

According to Reza Aslan the doctrine of jihad differentiated between rules for warfare pre-Islam and under Islam, the difference being that there were categories of people one was not allowed to kill women and children, monks, Rabbis, the elderly and any other non-combatants and there were rules on torture, treatment of dead bodies, rape, property, prisoners etc which have become incorporated into modern international laws of war.

A just war was in response to injustice, a response to the aggression of others and never instigated by a follower of Muhammad.


Anonymous said...

I love Barrack Obama - I loved him more when he emphatically told the American people - we are not at war with Islam! It's just hidious that people see Islam and terrorism as one and the same thing.

Hi said...

You might want to tell that to all the nations that were invaded by Muslim extremists.

Trevor Jennings said...

Thanks for your comment Australian Satirist. Which nations are you referring to and are you referring to the present day or the past.?

My hope is to engage in conversations and use language that deconstructs stereo types and explores ways for all people to live in peace and harmony.